My friend and co-worker, Sandy, from my former work commented when having read my blog that the church mouse is back. Part of my former job at the Presbyterian church office was the monthly newsletter editor. One of the most popular articles was the church mouse. This was an opportunity to affirm, thank, and announce information that was sometimes difficult to do in any other article. It was written with humor (some may have thought little humor) and often with a message attached. I also wrote one for my home congregation. I guess that Sandy is right that this is like the church mouse. I miss writing those columns. It doesn't seem that anyone has taken these columns on. That is a shame. We don't often get or take the chance to affirm one another as we should. Too often we pounce on the negative, the areas of "blame" and tearing down not building up of others. No, we can't all write articles, but we all can say thank you, great job, give high fives', and words of appreciation and affirmation. So remember the church mouse when you begin to speak words that will break down and not build up. May that picture stop those words and change them to positive, affirming words. Think about how that could begin to change the life of others and just maybe even ourselves.
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