Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Acceptable in God's House

My former pastor and I have had an ongoing discussion about how the mainline church is getting more and more watered down by relativism. This point came to life for me today concerning word usage in the church. In commenting about something I used the word intimate. I was told that there are people in the congregation who have stated that the word intimate is not acceptable in God's house. Now, I don't know about you, but the term intimate is most acceptable in God's house and is important in God's kingdom. I don't know what is more intimate than God's love for me. What is more intimate than the Spirit's breath that gives me life. What is more intimate than Christ's intimate guidance in my life's journey. Unfortunately, we can't separate lust and immorality from sexuality and love. Sexuality and love are gifts from God. Lust and immorality are evils temptations that turn us away from God's gifts of sexuality and love and twist intimacy into something "ungodly". Our world is full of images and temptations of lust and of immorality. So do we in the church need to water down God's gifts of sexuality and love because some can not separate the terms. Somehow we think that by not offending anyone that this is what God wants. Smooth everything over and all will be well and relative. So I will have to watch what words I use in God's House, that is I may have to make sure that I don't say intimacy/intimate every other word! I shall sin boldly because I have an intimate relationship with my God. ALLELUIA!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

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